Source code for dgfit.dustgrains

import glob
import re
import math

import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table

from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

__all__ = ["DustGrains"]

# Object for the proprerties of dust grain with a specific composition
[docs] class DustGrains(object): """ DustGrains Class dust grain properties stored by dust size/composition Attributes ---------- origin : 'string' """ def __init__(self): """ Simple initialization allowing for multiple origins of data """ self.origin = None
[docs] def from_files(self, componentname, path="./", every_nth=5): """ Read in precomputed dust grain information from files. Parameters ---------- componentname : 'string' Name that givesn the dust composition [astro-silicates, astro-carbonacenous, astro-graphite] path : 'string' Path to the location of the dust grain files every_nth : int Only use every nth size, faster fitting """ self.origin = "files" # min/max wavelengths for storage # set here in case later we want to pass them via the function call min_wave = 0.0 max_wave = (1e6,) min_wave_emission = 0.0 max_wave_emission = 1e6 # check that the component name is allowed # _allowed_components = ['astro-silicates','astro-graphite', # 'astro-carbonaceous','astro-PAH'] _allowed_components = [ "astro-silicates", "astro-carbonaceous", "astro-graphite", ] if componentname not in _allowed_components: print(componentname + " not one of the allowed grain components") print(_allowed_components) exit() # set useful quantities for each composition if componentname == "astro-silicates": # from WD01 self.density = 3.5 # g/cm^3 self.atomic_composition = "MgFeSiO4" self.atomic_comp_names = ["Mg", "Fe", "Si", "O"] self.atomic_comp_number = np.array([1, 1, 1, 4]) self.atomic_comp_masses = ( np.array([24.305, 55.845, 28.0855, 15.994]) * 1.660e-24 ) # in grams elif componentname == "astro-carbonaceous": # from WD01 self.density = 2.24 # g/cm^3 self.atomic_composition = "C" self.atomic_comp_names = ["C"] self.atomic_comp_number = np.array([1]) self.atomic_comp_masses = np.array([12.0107]) * 1.660e-24 # in grams elif componentname == "astro-graphite": # need origin (copy) self.density = 2.24 # g/cm^3 self.atomic_composition = "C" self.atomic_comp_names = ["C"] self.atomic_comp_number = np.array([1]) self.atomic_comp_masses = np.array([12.0107]) * 1.660e-24 # in grams # useful quantities self.mass_per_mol_comp = np.sum( self.atomic_comp_masses * self.atomic_comp_number ) self.col_den_constant = ( (4.0 / 3.0) * math.pi * self.density * (self.atomic_comp_number / self.mass_per_mol_comp) ) # get the filenames of this component for all sizes filelist = [] for file in glob.glob( path + "INDIV-GRAINS-DGFIT_c_*" + componentname + "*.dat" ): m ="_s_(.+?).dat", file) if m: found = sizenum = found # get the grain size f = open(file, "r") firstline = f.readline() space_pos = firstline.find(" ", 5) secondline = f.readline() colon_pos = secondline.find(":") f.close() if secondline[colon_pos + 2 : colon_pos + 5] == "Yes": stochastic_heating = True else: stochastic_heating = False filelist.append( ( file, int(sizenum), float(firstline[1:space_pos]), stochastic_heating, ) ) # check if any files were found if len(filelist) == 0: print("no files found") print("path = " + path) exit() # code to just pick every nth grain size # makes the fitting faster, but the size distributions coarser tindxs = np.arange(0, len(filelist), every_nth) sfilelist = sorted(filelist, key=lambda file: file[1]) filelist = [] for k in tindxs: filelist.append(sfilelist[k]) # setup the variables to store the grain information = componentname self.n_sizes = len(filelist) self.sizes = np.empty(self.n_sizes) self.size_dist = np.empty(self.n_sizes) self.stochastic_heating = np.empty(self.n_sizes) # loop over the files from the smallest to the largest sizes for k, file in enumerate(sorted(filelist, key=lambda file: file[1])): # read in the table of grain properties for this size t =[0], format="ascii.commented_header", header_start=-1) # setup more variables now that we know the number of wavelengths if k == 0: # generate the indices to crop the wavelength to the # desired range (gindxs,) = np.where( (t["Wavelength"] >= min_wave) & (t["Wavelength"] <= max_wave) ) (egindxs,) = np.where( (t["Wavelength"] >= min_wave_emission) & (t["Wavelength"] <= max_wave_emission) ) self.wavelengths = np.array(t["Wavelength"][gindxs]) self.wavelengths_emission = np.array(t["Wavelength"][egindxs]) self.n_wavelengths = len(self.wavelengths) self.n_wavelengths_emission = len(self.wavelengths_emission) self.cext = np.empty((self.n_sizes, self.n_wavelengths)) self.cabs = np.empty((self.n_sizes, self.n_wavelengths)) self.csca = np.empty((self.n_sizes, self.n_wavelengths)) self.scat_g = np.empty((self.n_sizes, self.n_wavelengths)) self.emission = np.empty((self.n_sizes, self.n_wavelengths_emission)) # store the info self.sizes[k] = file[2] self.stochastic_heating[k] = file[3] self.cext[k, :] = t["CExt"][gindxs] self.csca[k, :] = t["CSca"][gindxs] self.cabs[k, :] = t["CAbs"][gindxs] self.scat_g[k, :] = t["G"][gindxs] if file[3]: self.emission[k, :] = t["StEm1"][egindxs] else: self.emission[k, :] = t["EqEm1"][egindxs] # convert emission from ergs/(s cm sr) to Jy/sr # wavelengths in microns # convert from cm^-1 to Hz^-1 self.emission[k, :] *= (self.wavelengths_emission) ** 2 / 2.998e10 self.emission[k, :] /= 1e-19 # convert from ergs/(s Hz) to Jy self.emission[k, :] *= 1e-6 # convert from Jy/sr to MJy/sr # convert from m^-2 to cm^-2 self.emission[k, :] *= 1e-4 # default size distributions self.size_dist[k] = self.sizes[k] ** (-4.0) # aliases for albedo and g calculations # here they are on the same wavelength grid # when calculated from an ObsData object they are not # see the next function # (done to allow rest of DustGrain code to be generic) self.n_wavelengths_scat_a = self.n_wavelengths self.wavelengths_scat_a = self.wavelengths self.scat_a_cext = self.cext self.scat_a_csca = self.csca self.n_wavelengths_scat_g = self.n_wavelengths self.wavelengths_scat_g = self.wavelengths self.scat_g_csca = self.csca
[docs] def from_object(self, DustGrain, ObsData): """ Setup a new DustGrains object on the ObsData object wavelength grids using an existing DustGrain object for the dust grain information. Currently the information is interpolated to the new wavelength grids. In the future, this should be enhanced to integrate across filter bandpasses for the data derived in filters. Parameters ---------- DustGrain : DustGrains object usually read from the files with the from_files function ObsData: ObsData object contains all the observed data to be fit """ self.origin = "object" # copy the basic information on the grain self.density = DustGrain.density self.atomic_composition = DustGrain.atomic_composition self.atomic_comp_names = DustGrain.atomic_comp_names self.atomic_comp_number = DustGrain.atomic_comp_number self.atomic_comp_masses = DustGrain.atomic_comp_masses self.mass_per_mol_comp = DustGrain.mass_per_mol_comp self.col_den_constant = DustGrain.col_den_constant = self.n_sizes = DustGrain.n_sizes self.sizes = DustGrain.sizes self.size_dist = DustGrain.size_dist self.stochastic_heating = DustGrain.stochastic_heating # new values on the observed wavelength grids self.wavelengths = ObsData.ext_waves self.n_wavelengths = len(self.wavelengths) # variables to store the dust grain properties self.cext = np.empty((self.n_sizes, self.n_wavelengths)) self.cabs = np.empty((self.n_sizes, self.n_wavelengths)) self.csca = np.empty((self.n_sizes, self.n_wavelengths)) self.wavelengths_emission = ObsData.ir_emission_waves self.n_wavelengths_emission = len(self.wavelengths_emission) self.emission = np.empty((self.n_sizes, self.n_wavelengths_emission)) self.wavelengths_scat_a = ObsData.scat_a_waves self.n_wavelengths_scat_a = len(self.wavelengths_scat_a) self.scat_a_cext = np.empty((self.n_sizes, self.n_wavelengths_scat_a)) self.scat_a_csca = np.empty((self.n_sizes, self.n_wavelengths_scat_a)) self.wavelengths_scat_g = ObsData.scat_g_waves self.n_wavelengths_scat_g = len(self.wavelengths_scat_g) self.scat_g = np.empty((self.n_sizes, self.n_wavelengths_scat_g)) self.scat_g_csca = np.empty((self.n_sizes, self.n_wavelengths_scat_g)) # loop over the sizes and generate grain info on the observed data grid for i in range(self.n_sizes): cext_interp = interp1d(DustGrain.wavelengths, DustGrain.cext[i, :]) cabs_interp = interp1d(DustGrain.wavelengths, DustGrain.cabs[i, :]) csca_interp = interp1d(DustGrain.wavelengths, DustGrain.csca[i, :]) self.cext[i, :] = cext_interp(self.wavelengths) self.cabs[i, :] = cabs_interp(self.wavelengths) self.csca[i, :] = csca_interp(self.wavelengths) self.scat_a_cext[i, :] = cext_interp(self.wavelengths_scat_a) self.scat_a_csca[i, :] = csca_interp(self.wavelengths_scat_a) g_interp = interp1d(DustGrain.wavelengths, DustGrain.scat_g[i, :]) self.scat_g[i, :] = g_interp(self.wavelengths_scat_g) self.scat_g_csca[i, :] = csca_interp(self.wavelengths_scat_g) emission_interp = interp1d( DustGrain.wavelengths_emission, DustGrain.emission[i, :] ) self.emission[i, :] = emission_interp(self.wavelengths_emission)
# function to integrate this component # returns the effective/total cabs, csca, etc. # these are normalized to NHI (assumption)
[docs] def eff_grain_props(self, ObsData, predict_all=False): """ Calculate the grain properties integrated over the size distribution for a single grain composition. Returns ------- A dictionary of: C(abs) : 'numpy.ndarray' named 'cabs' Absorption cross section C(sca) : 'numpy.ndarray' named 'csca' Scattering cross section Abundances : ('list', 'numpy.ndarray') named 'natoms' Tuple with (atomic elements, # per/10^6 H atoms Emission : 'numpy.ndarray' named 'emission' IR emission albedo : 'numpy.ndarray' named 'albedo' Dust scattering albedo [Albedo C(sca)/Albedo C(ext)] g : 'numpy.ndarray' named 'g' Dust scattering phase function assymetry [g = <cos theta>] Albedo C(ext) : 'numpy.ndarray' named 'scat_a_cext' Extinction cross section on the albedo wavelength grid (needed for combining with other dust grain compositions) Albedo C(sca) : 'numpy.ndarray' named 'scat_a_csca' Scattering cross section on the albedo wavelength grid (needed for combining with other dust grain compositions) G C(sca) : 'numpy.ndarray' named 'scat_g_csca' Scattering cross section on the g wavelength grid (needed for combining with other dust grain compositions) """ # output is a dictonary results = {} # initialize the results _effcabs = np.empty(self.n_wavelengths) _effcsca = np.empty(self.n_wavelengths) # do a very simple integration (later this could be made more complex) deltas = 0.5 * (self.sizes[1 : self.n_sizes] - self.sizes[0 : self.n_sizes - 1]) sizedist1 = self.size_dist[0 : self.n_sizes - 1] sizedist2 = self.size_dist[1 : self.n_sizes] for i in range(self.n_wavelengths): _effcabs[i] = np.sum( deltas * ( (self.cabs[0 : self.n_sizes - 1, i] * sizedist1) + (self.cabs[1 : self.n_sizes, i] * sizedist2) ) ) _effcsca[i] = np.sum( deltas * ( (self.csca[0 : self.n_sizes - 1, i] * sizedist1) + (self.csca[1 : self.n_sizes, i] * sizedist2) ) ) # *not* faster to use numexpr (tested in 2015) results["cabs"] = _effcabs results["csca"] = _effcsca # compute the number of atoms/NHI _natoms = np.empty(len(self.atomic_comp_names)) for i in range(len(self.atomic_comp_names)): _natoms[i] = np.sum( deltas * ( ( (self.sizes[0 : self.n_sizes - 1] ** 3) * self.size_dist[0 : self.n_sizes - 1] * self.col_den_constant[i] ) + ( (self.sizes[1 : self.n_sizes] ** 3) * self.size_dist[1 : self.n_sizes] * self.col_den_constant[i] ) ) ) # convert to N(N) per 1e6 N(HI) _natoms *= 1e6 results["natoms"] = dict(zip(self.atomic_comp_names, _natoms)) # compute the integrated emission spectrum if ObsData.fit_ir_emission or predict_all: _emission = np.empty(self.n_wavelengths_emission) for i in range(self.n_wavelengths_emission): _emission[i] = np.sum( deltas * ( (self.emission[0 : self.n_sizes - 1, i] * sizedist1) + (self.emission[1 : self.n_sizes, i] * sizedist2) ) ) results["emission"] = _emission # scattering parameters a & g if ObsData.fit_scat_a or predict_all: n_waves_scat_a = self.n_wavelengths_scat_a scat_a_cext = self.scat_a_cext scat_a_csca = self.scat_a_csca _effscat_a_cext = np.empty(n_waves_scat_a) _effscat_a_csca = np.empty(n_waves_scat_a) for i in range(n_waves_scat_a): _effscat_a_cext[i] = np.sum( deltas * ( (scat_a_cext[0 : self.n_sizes - 1, i] * sizedist1) + (scat_a_cext[1 : self.n_sizes, i] * sizedist2) ) ) _effscat_a_csca[i] = np.sum( deltas * ( (scat_a_csca[0 : self.n_sizes - 1, i] * sizedist1) + (scat_a_csca[1 : self.n_sizes, i] * sizedist2) ) ) if np.sum(_effscat_a_cext) > 0.0: results["albedo"] = _effscat_a_csca / _effscat_a_cext else: results["albedo"] = np.zeros(n_waves_scat_a) results["scat_a_cext"] = _effscat_a_cext results["scat_a_csca"] = _effscat_a_csca if ObsData.fit_scat_g or predict_all: n_waves_scat_g = self.n_wavelengths_scat_g scat_g_csca = self.scat_g_csca _effg = np.empty(n_waves_scat_g) _effscat_g_csca = np.empty(n_waves_scat_g) for i in range(n_waves_scat_g): _effg[i] = np.sum( deltas * ( ( self.scat_g[0 : self.n_sizes - 1, i] * scat_g_csca[0 : self.n_sizes - 1, i] * sizedist1 ) + ( self.scat_g[1 : self.n_sizes, i] * scat_g_csca[1 : self.n_sizes, i] * sizedist2 ) ) ) _effscat_g_csca[i] = np.sum( deltas * ( (scat_g_csca[0 : self.n_sizes - 1, i] * sizedist1) + (scat_g_csca[1 : self.n_sizes, i] * sizedist2) ) ) if np.sum(_effscat_g_csca) > 0.0: results["g"] = _effg / _effscat_g_csca else: results["g"] = np.zeros(n_waves_scat_g) results["scat_g_csca"] = _effscat_g_csca # return the results as a tuple of arrays return results